“In West-Africa, to make farmland, people used to cut thousands and thousands of trees.
To make space for the fields.
One time I was there, when they were burning trees to make space.
I was helping a bit, but I don’t do agriculture. I don’t know how to do it.
But I really liked the atmosphere on that day.
When the fire was out, some entered to look for animals that had died in it.
Suddenly a monkey ran away.
Apparently it had survived the fire and ran in the direction of the Bowal, a place without trees.
No, actually, there was one tree.
People tried to catch it.
The dogs also tried but weren’t able to climb the tree
where the monkey seeked shelter.
People started throwing stones at it.
I saw a man who threw a stone straight towards the back of the monkey’s head.
And just a split second before it hit,
the monkey turned its head in the direction of the stone.
I cried.
I didn’t see how the monkey got hit, but I could feel it.
It made me really sad,
I was really, really upset.
That was it.
Thank you very much.”
– Barry